Monday, July 28, 2008

Waiting for holidays

Still working on the last monday of july... I´m not sure about what am I going to do on my holidays, but the picture clearly explains what am I tihinking about... I hope my girlfriend will find the way to get some days off, and in that case, maybe I´ll be able to take my GS and go anywere...feeling free for a few moments...feeling like the king of the hill... feeling like my life´s gonna change on september...or not. Every year´s the same old story... Holidays start thinking about the job, you spend a few days with your family and friends on the beach, and you end up afraid to back to job again. How can I solve it? Any help? Somebody? Someone?

1 comment:

Francisco Javier Domínguez Peso said...

An endless probleme, I'm sorry. Good holidays, Alon.