Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Amnesty, please

Today I´ve finished up with the relaxing sessions I started last february, in order to get some peace of mind. The wednesday´s afternoon in the medical centre come to an end. I hope this means I´m ready to continue it all by myself but... I´m not sure about it at all... you know what I mean. Well, I know it´s not a solution. They told me they would only teach me some techniques to take the problems apart for a few moments, and they also taught me how to breathe... inhale blue air/exhale the red one...maybe you can find some political meanings in all of this ;-)
It´s spring, and flowers are exploding everywhere, and the hot weather strikes again, and the insects too, and I´m afraid allergy will appear around the next corner, maybe in a few days. But what I really want is to find my place in all this mess, and learn to climb all the mountains I find in my way, and I need to know myself better. I beg for an amnesty. I want an opportunity to become a better person, time to be kind, time to confide again. Please let me out.

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